Paintball lag
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The RogSquad -> General Discussion

#1: No icon Paintball lag Author: theripppa PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:08 am
went back to look on TMT about the paintball lag

Hey guys, glad you are having fun with this. You can run larger maps and have no respawn, but you would really have to slow down the guns. Slower guns combined with a short round limit could work. Otherwise you will eventually hit max entities because every ball is a spawning entity. I think in the testing phase we were able to reach 10 minutes with 3v3 semi-auto in bazaar, but it was laggy. One thing that helps limit the entities is to limit the ammo so it forces players to shoot less.

The holster script is just to prevent players from shooting when they are alone in the server. With no time limit in the pre-round, they are allowed to reach the max entiy limit. Thus the holster script.

As far as the real weapon issue, when you first enter a map, or whenever someone is alone on a team, the very next round will need a restart. The weapon swap script will not work on the person who was on the team alone and they will receive a real gun. The round restart will activate the swap script and will work until there is only one person left in the server.

The warmup script is the countdown.

If you guys are ever playing and have it on a server, shoot me an email, I'd love to join you.

ambassador will swear that respawn will crash the i play like real paintball you die your crashes ;)

with only a few ppl playing its not a long wait at all....and you can set fraglimit to any number of round u want

The RogSquad -> General Discussion

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